Here you will find more information about our application process, and how to apply for vacancies.


Do you want to work with us at UNE? Below you will find a list of our current vacancies. UNE uses Jobbnorge as our recruitment system.
  • Innkjøper/kontroller

    Søknadsfrist: Fredag 16. august 2024
    UNE søker etter en person til innkjøps- og kontrollerfunksjon på anskaffelsesområdet til Enhet for økonomi- og personalforvaltning. UNE kjøper varer og tjenester for 40-60 millioner pr år. Som offentlig virksomhet følger UNE lov og forskrift om offentlige anskaffelser. UNE bruker Innkjøpskontoret ved gjennomføring av større anskaffelser. Enhet for Økonomi- og personalforvaltning inngår i Avdeling for fellestjenester og har foruten anskaffelsesområdet ansvaret for budsjett, regnskap, lønn, drift ... Les mer

What happens after you have submitted an application?

As soon as the application deadline has expired, the manager responsible for the position in consultation with HR will begin selecting qualified applicants for an interview. Potential candidates will be contacted directly and called in for an interview as soon as possible. Note that if there are a large number of applications, the selection process may take longer and it is therefore not uncommon that it can take some time before we contact potential candidates. 

We conduct at least one interview, depending on the position. It may also be relevant to test candidates for some positions by using ‘cases’. Finally, a reference check will be carried out for candidates we wish to take with us to the next stage of the process.

As a rule, a recommendation will be made by the manager responsible for the position after the interview(s) and reference check. The case is then sent to the appointments committee, which is authorised to make the final decision. The offer of a position is then sent immediately following approval by the appointments committee. 

After the process has been concluded, all applicants will be notified of the outcome through our recruitment system.

Privacy statement for job seekers

If you are applying for a job at UNE, we need to process information about you in order to assess your application. Read more about how we process information about you and what rights you have (in Norwegian only).